Our Winter sale of 2021, again affirmed that it is definitely possible to hold a Classic Vehicle Auction, without prospective purchasers joining us and our auctioneer face to face. Not surprisingly perhaps as we accept nowadays that you may not get to see a Doctor, your Solicitor might appear only on a Zoom call and the butcher, baker and candlestick maker may remain heavily masked. So relax, your local specialist classic and vintage car auctioneers are definitely here and already storming into the New Year, taking exciting entries for their next sale on March 10th 2022.
This Spring Sale looks adrenaline alerting already, so for instance what do you get when you put together a 1921 BSA Combination, a 1931 Scot Flying Super Squirrel, a 1966 Norton Dominator, a jaw dropping 1999 Harley Davidson FLTR1with 1550cc engine, to which you add a little Norman, then mix well with a trio of barn finds? You would get the makings of a pretty exciting motorcycle auction and our very own’ Bike Off’. Plenty of time for more entries yet!
Now blend in a few exotic classic cars like an R-Type Bentley, an E-Type Jaguar, two Gallic Citroens of the twenties, a Heavy Twelve Austin two seater with dickey plus a medley of pre-war Morris offerings, including a Bullnose and a Flatnose tourer, a sporty Wolseley Hornet and for the smaller garage, a 1964 Austin Mini Countryman plus its Italian cousin, a 1962 Fiat 500D Giardiniera. Altogether a truly exciting recipe for another classic sale under the banner of the specialists, Dorset Vintage and Classic Auctions.
Although we will still be working with careful confidence to Covid rules, viewing of the vehicles and motorbikes will be possible in the days preceding the on-line auction at our Stalbridge premises. Meanwhile our knowledgeable staff (fully vaccinated) will be on hand to provide details and assistance as always and happy to chat about anything interesting that sports some wheels and an engine.